I have a serious problem with staying focused on projects, epically in the shadow of bigger, better, bolder, bigger, better projects. Lunchbox Duck Episode 1 took me, what, a month or two to complete? Episode 2 took me... almost 7 months? Now, part of that was it being winter, that special time of year when my already low motivation levels can't slip past the harsh boundaries of sitting and watching a movie. But it's been summer-y for awhile now, and I'm back in full swing with new ideas and a fresh new pilot in the works.
I'm going to be the first one to admit that I wasn't happy with the way episode 2 turned out. It's 100% my own fault, and every problem that I identify I can attribute to not only the time it took me to make the damn thing (I forgot how characters were placed in a scene and then I would do the connecting few lines months later and the characters would flip to a different position) but the computer transition as well. I also didn't storyboard the episode at all, which was another huge problem in the continuity. The editing was also sub-par, and I don't really have an excuse for that because I finally actually have a real editing machine.
Ok, enough re-hashing. Lunchbox Duck episode 3 has begun production(with a complete storyboard and new animation models for the stars), but is totally not thrilling to me right now. It will come back into the light sooner or later, but right now, I've got something much cooler to tinker with.
Now, the new pilot I'm working on- I've had this idea FOREVER, and it's gone through many many different phases and genres and characters, but I think I might have a formula that actually works. It's urban, it's gritty, it's surreal, and could possibly be an artistically viable piece of work when finished. The tentative title is "Beasts of Lore". It takes place in modern times, only I've exaggerated it severely. I use photography collages as the backgrounds, and straight pencil on paper sketches -no color- on the characters. It creates kind of an odd look that is 100% different than my previous projects, but thats what I wanted, and thats why I haven't started this project till now.

So far I have some of a script written, but I will re-write it and then storyboard it and then start animating. I have the backgrounds done because I wanted to get the feel of it down, and the character designs are fully animated and scanned and imported and ready to go... I just need to strengthen the story and it's a go!
Oh, this is a comedy by the way. Not in the same sense as LBDDIT, but it has jokes and strange characters.