Many of those sketches from last post are more than just random images shat out onto paper from my knuckles to your eyes; most of them serve a purpose. I like telling people that I have a fully functional animation studio in my apartment because not only was it expensive, but I use it quite often... that means that a majority of my ideas evolve from sketches and notes. Well, here are some of the work that has specifically been derived from those sketches.

^Some head. Experiment with photoshop techniques

^Another Photoshop test
^ Here's my mockup intro to a (now on hold) pilot show called Beasts of Lore
^Another Beasts of Lore test featuring one of the main characters, Gillard, a half man, half cow... man. Please notice the dirty-ass paper I was using and how terrible it makes everything look. This is a perfect example why I always test, test, TEST!
NEXT POST: Stan, Satan, and the Old Fashioned Gun and why you should be stoked and shitting in your jeans.
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