Busy lately; actually, not busy whatsoever, just stressful. The move from one job to another is taxing, especially when one job is about to end and the other job that hired you hasn't called you yet. And you worked 2 days this week because of the terrible turn the weather has taken. Also, somebody needs to realize that it is now cold outside and turn on the damn heat in my building.
Or maybe I should make sure my windows are closed before going to sleep.
Anyway, work on the project is good; I've hit my first (major) of many roadblocks in terms of story and character introduct

I've been working on one hard scene, too. It doesn't have a number yet because I'm not sure how long it will take to get to this part of the story, but I'm simply referring to it as "Opera Scene". It's got a lot of tough camera angles and complex tones to it. It's one of the more story-driven scenes in the film, in contrast to the normal tomfoolery that you'll see.
So, enjoy these production screens, straight from the video editing process! (which means the colors are slightly lighter)
But I'm still having story troubles. Thats a good thing though, as the last thing I want to do is rush this; the animation and quality are limited already, I don't want the structure to fall in the same category- because thats the category that I hope will make this stand out in the long-run.
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